2016 Student Congress @ Clark Invitational

2018 Clark Invitational

Student Congress

Carefully consult available online resources before you author and submit a Bill or Resolution.

In constructing your bill or resolution, be sure that the following procedures are followed, consistent with OSAA regulations and guidelines:
a) The bill or resolution must be typed.
b) Typing must be double-spaced, and the bill or resolution may not be longer than one page.
c) The first words of a bill are “Be It Enacted”; following any whereas clauses, the first words of a resolution are “Be It Resolved.”
d) Each line of a bill or resolution must be numbered.
e) A resolution may be preceded by one or more “whereas clauses” but bills never have them.
f) The language of a bill must always be in the imperative mood.  That is, it must state exactly what is to be done and by whom.

Bills.  A bill is an enumeration of specific provisions which if enacted will have the force of law.  It must be definite; it must state exactly what is to be done or not to be done.  A penalty must be stipulated or the law will not have force.  A bill does not have “whereas clauses.”

Resolutions.  A simple resolution is a generalized statement expressing the beliefs of the group adopting it, and it does not have the force of law.   Constitutional amendments fall into this category since they must be submitted to the states after they are passed by congress.  Resolutions may be preceded by one or more whereas clauses, stating the principle reasons for adopting the resolution, but the number of clauses should be limited and may be omitted altogether.

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